Monday, March 12, 2007

The Revolving Door

A Pearson trait that I have always hoped I would carry on...and this month, I definitely feel like I've accomplished this. 10 days of company, almost consectutively, with a trip to Abbotsford in between...yes, I am a Pearson. I have great memories as a kid of sharing my house with many different people...and I hope that never ends. So come visit me anytime...just not in the next 10-20 days. I need a break!

Friday, March 2, 2007

Auntie Julie

Ah, I loved hearing that all week. Such sweet words...according to a 3 year old boy in Abbotsford, my name is NOT's AUNTIE Julie. I think he's had some prompting from his mother. Well, I gladly take on the role and had so much fun with my little boys. What a crazy thing to see your old college bud being a mom and being so settled in her different life and being SOOOO GOOD AT IT! I'm so proud of you, Jess. You are wonderful. And I love my Levi and Casey. Thanks for a great week.