Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Prompted to Pray

So yesterday I hear yet another sad story of a pastor resigning due to moral issues...I'm so sick to my stomach that there are more stories than I have fingers to count and that I even know some of these people personally.

I was talking to my mom this morning and she told me of a time when she was at a Women's Conference and the speaker lady had just been on a plane, sitting next to a Satanist. He told her that his church prays for the destruction of pastors and their families so that the Christian church will fall apart.

That not only freaks me out (we truly have an enemy here) but makes me realize that my prayer life sucks. I am so heavily burdened today for the church and am ashamed that their are people praying more fervently against my church than I am praying for it.

God help us.