Wednesday, October 27, 2010


To catch up on much time passed, here are a few snapshots of life in OZ. Enjoy!

The Jacaranda trees are in full bloom (my favorite Aussie tree so far!) and that means EXAMS in uni world. That's right! I am in my final week of classes and will be done my first semester by November 19th (for those of you shaking your heads right now, just remember that while you were lounging on the beach this summer, I was already hitting the books). This semester has flown by and I have loved learning again, especially about something in which I'm so passionate.

At the beginning of October I had the incredible opportunity to volunteer (and thereby attend for FREE) at a conference for the Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing. This was an incredible opportunity as it exposed me to resources and connections that I otherwise wouldn't have been privy to. I left feeling inspired and even more motivated to learn all I can about the voice.

This book was officially released at the Conference. Two note-worthy people have a chapter published in it:
  1. A PhD student, Daniel Robinson, who is doing his thesis on Teaching the Contemporary Worship Singer. He was highlighted on the Griffith University website and is one of the reasons I am here! I had coffee with him in September and we had a great discussion about worship and singers in the church. He is doing much of what I hope to do in Canada once my studies are completed. A great contact has been made here!
  2. My current voice teacher and pedagogue mentor, Irene Bartlett. I need to share with you a quote or two from Irene's chapter as it confirms once again that I am in the right place. Her chapter is entitled, One Size Doesn't Fit All: Tailored Training for Contemporary Commercial Singers.
"Singers of non-classical styles have urgent need for a pedagogy that fits their genre, one that recognises that produced vocal tone, registration and sound qualities inherent in their commercial singing differ greatly from accepted, western classical-music standards."

"I propose that with some modification to accepted thinking and practice, it is possible for voice teachers to build a healthy vocal technique for all singers, regardless of style."

It is the second statement in particular that actually choked me up. I have said these very words in my search for ways to help my contemporary students. That was about four years ago and now here it is in writing and with some answers! I truly believe God led me here to study with Irene.
He is so good and has done far more than I could have ever imagined.
And of course, what would life be without the awesome (and oh so entertaining) people that you get to enjoy it with? Dave has returned from his trip to Canada (let me tell you, if you ever want to know how to travel cheap, this is your man! 2 months in Canada, traveling across the country in a car he bought for $350 and slept in and then sold it again for the same price...this guy has got to be somebody's hero...). So our fourth housemate has been re-instated. And the car that he gave me to drive is a lot easier to steer now that he put some air in the tires...oops. (How was I to know the tires weren't made that small?!)
(L-R: Megan, Bel, Me, Anne-Marie, Kim, Deb)
Bel likes to organize "themed" tea parties. We just had an Australian-themed tea party to welcome Kim, a former housemate, back home from London, England. These ladies are a blessing in my life and we have lots of fun together! Other tea parties have included "Tartan" (either wear it or bring tarts), " Dubai!)" (as we said good bye to a friend moving to Dubai to work for an airline...everyone had to wear turbans)....and it continues. Never a dull moment in Daisy Hill!

So there you have it...or at least a piece of it. There are many "moments" I would love to share, but I'm not sure can handle it. Hope it's given a taste! More to come...

Friday, October 15, 2010

Brief Encounters

Time is flying by! The more I settle in here, the busier I get and the less time I have to post blogs. So it's time to catch up.
Let me take you back to 1996...I promise we won't stay there very long.
I was 18 and experienced my first taste of independence as I toured for 6 weeks in the summer with the Continental Singers (there are actually people who are proud of this fact...I'm still making up my mind). Despite the inevitable cheese-factor of this singing/dancing choir, the experience had a huge impact on my life. For the first time in my life, I was surrounded by people who loved music as much as I did and who wanted to use it to serve God.
There was one girl in particular that I had a "kindred spirit" connection with. Amy & I would hunch down in the seats of the tour bus for hours, solving all the world's problems and a few of our own. When tour ended, she gave me a small gift that she had brought with her on tour to give to a new friend. It was very special...I still have it somewhere!
After tour, I went off to college and Amy returned to Japan where her dad was posted as a US Military Chaplain. This may be hard to believe, but hardly anyone had email back then! We wrote a couple of letters, but then Amy's family moved from Japan and a letter got bounced back to me...and that was the end of our correspondance.
Nine years later, I had returned to my college to teach singing lessons. I went to the Post Office one day and there was a card in the mail...from Amy. She randomly decided to try and get in touch with me, hoping I would still be at the same address (which would be really depressing if I were still a student there!). The Post Office knew me and just moved the card into my new mailbox. We had reconnected! What a gift! It was amazing to catch up and hear each other's journeys. She was now in Nashville, TN, but it was difficult to line up a time to reconnect in person.
And then Facebook happened...making keeping in touch even easier. Amy has developed a speaking/singing ministry that has flourished and has taken her all over the world. In fact, it took her to Australia, to a young adult retreat on Mt. Tamborine, just 30 minutes from Brisbane. And I just happened to be attending this retreat.
So after 14 years, we reconnected in Australia. How crazy is that? It was really cool to see her fact, we found a couch and hunched down to chat just like we did on the tour bus. Her teaching throughout the weekend was rich and it was exciting to see someone so vibrant in their ministry.
Although we didn't get to spend a ton of time together and it could easily be years before we see each other again, it was a great brief encounter. And even "moment friends" are blessings.
(if I had access to a picture of us in 1996, I would include would make for some good laughs)