Wednesday, December 1, 2010

'Tis the Season

In keeping with my dad's tradition, I have waited until December 1st to get into the Christmas spirit. I have to admit that with no snow and daily increasing temperatures, I'm not quite into it just yet...but maybe this song will help (I had hoped to upload it on here, but it appears I lack a media player).

Sizzlin' Summer Land (sung to tune of Winter Wonderland, of course)
Door bell rings, it's the neighbour
He needs a hand with some labour
I won't be a fool, 'cause he's got a pool
And I'm sweatin' in a sizzlin' summer land

Ceiling fans are a bad joke
I should have listened to the sales bloke
Could have got an AC, on interest free
But I'm sweatin' in a sizzlin' summer land

In the morning we can hit the beach and
Cool down, slapping on the 15plus
Up at 6am to beat the traffic
Don't forget to lock up Uncle Gus

Kids all chant, "Are we there yet"
"Enjoy the view and stop the racquet
There's a beautiful sight, it's a kangaroo fight"
Now I'm sweatin' in a sizzlin' summer land

By the seashore we can build a sandman
We'll pretend that he is Santa Claus
If you dribble water on his belly
He looks like Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars

Blue bottles sting, are you screaming
It's the pain, as their clinging
It gives you a fright, least it's not a shark bite
Sweatin' in a sizzlin' summer land
(Alternative lyrics by C. Burnett of Scat, a Brisbane Jazz band)

Enjoy the snow.