Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A new discovery

Thanks to my wonderful friends, Greg and Carla, I have discovered FACEBOOK.COM. There are so many people on there that I know! It's almost as good as msn...only I can find people I would never think of. My social life is turning into technology. Not sure I like it, but I sure like keeping in touch with everyone.


Jesse and Sarah said...

I still haven't messed around on facebook that much yet. But it is nice to connect with people. There are so many of those things these days: facebook, myspace, blogger, etc. Too many to keep track of.

Cheri said...

Hey Julie! I saw you had a blog through Jessie's comment on wall in facebook. Yeah, so many things to keep track of people... and so many people to be friends with! I am hardly able to keep up with it all AND be a full-time mom! It's addicting, and I don't thing that's a good thing for me, but I do admit it's cool to reconnect with old friends.

Miranda said...

I wasn't sure about Facebook at first either. But how cool that I found you after all these years!