Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm moving to Australia!

Since I am about to embark on an exciting adventure, I decided to get blogging again.
So to catch everyone up...I am heading off to Brisbane, Australia! I have been accepted into Griffith University to get my Master of Music Studies in teaching voice (officially: Vocal Pedagogy in Contemporary Music). I am VERY excited about this opportunity!
I head Down Under in July and will be there for the next year and a half.

It's been amazing to see how God is leading me and providing for every step of the way. Being accepted into a university at a Masters Level in an area that I am most passionate about, seeing the funding come's overwhelming!

A few things to wrap up still as I finish up 3 more weeks at CAC and 4 more weeks of teaching. I am also spending as much time as possible with my friends and family...even if it DOES help me procrastinate from packing...ugh. And then it's OFF TO OZ!!!!