Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm moving to Australia!

Since I am about to embark on an exciting adventure, I decided to get blogging again.
So to catch everyone up...I am heading off to Brisbane, Australia! I have been accepted into Griffith University to get my Master of Music Studies in teaching voice (officially: Vocal Pedagogy in Contemporary Music). I am VERY excited about this opportunity!
I head Down Under in July and will be there for the next year and a half.

It's been amazing to see how God is leading me and providing for every step of the way. Being accepted into a university at a Masters Level in an area that I am most passionate about, seeing the funding come's overwhelming!

A few things to wrap up still as I finish up 3 more weeks at CAC and 4 more weeks of teaching. I am also spending as much time as possible with my friends and family...even if it DOES help me procrastinate from packing...ugh. And then it's OFF TO OZ!!!!


Unknown said...

Well, I'm sure glad I still have you in my google reader! What an exciting opportunity! I hope you will post lots about your experiences there. I will be following you for sure!

Teddi Taylor said...

How exciting! I also put you in my google reader, so I'll get your updates right away. I'm soooooo excited for you, Jules! Congrats on getting accepted!

Merissa said...

So excited for you Julie :). will be keeping up to date here, and we'll have to skype. I'm going to miss you so much.