Wednesday, June 30, 2010

In Dreams...

In the midst of packing, farewell parties, a voice recital and a little trip to BC, I find I haven't had a moment to process all that I am going through...or that Australia is a very near reality.

Seriously, in the world of technology, almost everything from my acceptance to Uni to my plane tickets have been online. I realize this is that world today, but it doesn't make it seem real. I find myself oddly calm for someone about to leave behind all she knows and embark on such a big adventure.

As friends and family experience the strange combo of sorrow and excitement, I sit here as though nothing has changed. Sure, I have sold, packed or stored all my belongings, closed up my beloved rented basement suite, said goodbye to dear friends and to a great job...yet I feel like I'm merely on holidays. It is as though my brain hasn't registered that I won't be returning to Cochrane next week. Nope, I am moving onward!

So for some assistance to my little head, I thought I should reflect on the things I will miss the most about my 4 years in Cochrane. So here's my little "ode":
  • the beautiful mountains and all the adventures that lie within (believe me, I will miss all the hikes, snow shoeing, and x-country skiing trips!)
  • walks along the river (more so that many great conversations and good company that have accompanied those walks)
  • the "down-home" atmosphere and being part of such rich community
  • Being part of a team...even though they knew my quirks and mocked me mercilessly, I will miss the endearment, the vision, the discussions, the purpose that I got to be a part of.
  • Time spend with friends who know me well and dive in deep (these are not over, of course! They have merely taken a new path...but I shall miss the old path)
  • I think I will be fiercely aware of what I have taken for granted in being on staff at a church...being known, easily having a well-defined role, having a say in how things are I will be unknown, finding my place, supporting others in leadership, etc. This will be so good for me...but I will miss what is familiar.
Dearest Cochrane, you were once but a dream as I drove past your mountain view over 7 years ago. I told God, "I must live here one day!" And 3 years later that dream became a reality and was rich in blessing and in preparing me for what lies ahead. Thank God for you.

Australia....more so studying the perhaps one of the biggest dreams I have had to date. I look forward to seeing it become reality and to keep the dreams coming!

Friday, June 4, 2010

This CuryGirlDesigns pic is what flipped up on my calendar for June. Pretty timely, I think! It has been an incredible few weeks as so many things have come into place for me to go to Australia.

This past week, I had the opportunity to share my life journey with a group of people who have been a part of my life here at Cochrane Alliance. It was a really special time and I walked away feeling loved & supported on this next leg of the journey and very much in awe of my God. His ways certainly are not my own; His thoughts so much higher. It is always amazing to look back and see how much I have learned and how each step of the way has prepared me for what's next.

I have booked my flight!! I leave on July 4 from Seattle after visiting some family and friends on the west coast.

1 week left @ CAC, only 2 more times that I lead worship (at least for 2010!), and 3 weeks left of teaching voice.

Then I guess all that's left is the packing up....and finding those cute pair of shoes! anyone?