Friday, June 4, 2010

This CuryGirlDesigns pic is what flipped up on my calendar for June. Pretty timely, I think! It has been an incredible few weeks as so many things have come into place for me to go to Australia.

This past week, I had the opportunity to share my life journey with a group of people who have been a part of my life here at Cochrane Alliance. It was a really special time and I walked away feeling loved & supported on this next leg of the journey and very much in awe of my God. His ways certainly are not my own; His thoughts so much higher. It is always amazing to look back and see how much I have learned and how each step of the way has prepared me for what's next.

I have booked my flight!! I leave on July 4 from Seattle after visiting some family and friends on the west coast.

1 week left @ CAC, only 2 more times that I lead worship (at least for 2010!), and 3 weeks left of teaching voice.

Then I guess all that's left is the packing up....and finding those cute pair of shoes! anyone?

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Shall we look for shoes while you finish your "progressive" makeover on me??? :)
I am so thankful for everything God has done to make this happen for you, J!