Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Spring and Wattles and such

Happy first day of spring! Today is September 1st, the first day of spring in Australia and I can definitely feel a change in the weather. It even SMELLS warmer. It's amazing how quickly people shed their outer layers and the shorts and "singlets" (tank tops) emerge. I am looking forward to seeing how the seasons change here.

Today is also National Wattle Day. Now I had researched this and was wondering what crazy things would come out of such a day. But nothing happened. Life as usual. The wattle is a national flower that grows on trees here in a number of varieties. Apparently you're supposed to wear a sprig on your lapel, but it must have lost it's allure somewhere along the way.

So Happy Wattle Day. Or whatever.

Life has been quite full these past few days. A bit of work, a bit of play. My housemate, Deb, and her fiance, Neil invited me to join them at a Jazz CD release party on Friday night. His mate plays bass in the band. They were really good and it was fun to go out and hear some local music. I hope I get to do more of this in the future. (check out the video with their newspaper suits!)

I was also involved in a performance at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC) this past Saturday. The Chamber Choir that I sing with at the Con joined a larger choir to sing Gustav Mahler's Resurrection with the Queensland Youth Orchestra. Our part was rather small, but in German, so it took a bit of rehearsing. We sang the final 10 minutes of the 5th movement and then it was over. Kind of a weird performance for me, but it was cool to be able to sing at QPAC and with some great musicians.

I have also taught 2 voice students this week! I am starting to make more connections and may have a couple others lined up. I am glad to get going on this again. I also attempted a lesson over Skype with a friend, but we had to turn the video feature off since it kept freezing up and I ended up forgetting that I had asked him to lay on the floor and left him there! Oops.

Wrapping up another week of studies. The assignments are starting to pile on. But I still manage to make time for some Aussie adventures. Big weekend coming trip to Cairns with Bel! Really looking forward to it and hope that it's not raining!

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