Friday, July 16, 2010

First Impressions

Finally I am reconnected with the world! I have a lot to catch up on and will do so in a few blog entries.

I arrived safe and sound in Sydney on July 6th at 6am. After finding luggage storage and a nice hot shower at the airport, I took a train into the city to do some exploring (may I just say that the herbal pills "No Jet Lag" do wonders and I had enough energy to get through the morning at least!). Heading straight for the Sydney icon, I arrived at the Opera House and walked around for a couple hours including half way across the Sydney Harbor Bridge. I also explored the Rocks (old Sydney) and the Royal Botanical Garden before heading back to the airport to get some lunch and chill out with my book.

Later on, I flew into Moree, NSW, where I stayed with my good friend, Kate. We had met about 6 years ago at a camp in Alberta. It was so great to see her family farm (2 properties) and get to know a bit more about her life in OZ. It was also wonderful to be with someone familiar in very unfamiliar territory. Kate helped make this transition so easy. She organized an amazing care package for me, too, complete with towels, bedding, housecoat (or dressing gown as they call it!). I felt so spoiled an am amazed at how God provides.

I spent 3 days relaxing on the farm, soaking it up at the Artesian Hot Pools in Moree (water that naturally pumps hot from deep underground) and meeting Kate's family.
July 9th, we made the final trek of my journey to Brisbane. While Moree area was vast, almost empty and had an untamed wildness about it, Brisbane is lush with such a variety of foliage and rolling hills. I loved seeing both areas so much!

So now I am in Brisbane, living in Daisy Hill. More about that later! The first leg of the journey a complete success. My life is so different from even just a month ago. I'm already feeling the laid back lifestyle of the Aussies...not sure if I can still say that once I'm a full time student!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Wow Julie, sounds like things are going well down under. I'm so happy to hear that. Good for you taking the time to live in the moment and take in what is surrounding you. Thanks for keeping us updated : )