Monday, July 19, 2010

Welcome to Griffith! Orientation weeks...

"Congratulations on taking the risk of studying in another country!"

That's how my International Orientation began last Monday, July 12 (also my birthday). It was exciting for me to hear those words. This journey HAS been a risk-taking adventure for me. And hearing the guy up front say it out loud made me feel like I had arrived.

My dear friend and prayer warrior, Catherine, told me when I was working through my application that she had a deep sense that God was not only going to get me over to Australia so that I could study what I am passionate about, but that He would also provide the funding for me to do this. And God HAS! I have been blessed by both student loans as well as gifts from friends and family. I am here, living a simpler life, but about to embark on a great educational journey! Thank you to everyone who has joined me in this journey. I definitely would not have done it without the many prayers, encouragements...occasionally butt-kickings, and amazing support that you have given me. Thanks for sharing in the excitement.

So here is what I have learned during my Orientation:
  • Brunei is a country. A fellow international student named Sheila told me so...she lives there.
  • I have to apply for a tax file number if I don't want the Australian gov't to take 40% of my banking interest or job salary! (done and done!)
  • A fire spreads fast in a room. In fact, the windows will blow out in under 2 minutes (we got to watch a video). So don't start a fire in your house. And don't pour water on flaming oil.
  • Australian waters have rip tides, sharks, and jelly fish. ALWAYS SWIM BETWEEN THE FLAGS.
  • Queensland is the Skin Cancer Capital of the world. Hello Sunscreen!
  • I may be the only International Master of Music student at orientation...
Wasn't that enlightening?! There was a seminar offered entitled: How to Make Friends at Uni, but I missed that one. I will be attending a few more seminars tomorrow, but then the exciting part begins!

Today I met with my program advisor and my new vocal coach! Both are great people and they bent over backwards making this a perfect program for me. I am so excited to get studying. Classes begin next week, July 26.


Kathy said...

That Catherine, ya just gotta love her eh?? Sounds like orientation was full of useful info : ) I'm excited for you and all the cool new musical stuff you'll be learning. Can't wait to hear more about it.

Jacqui said...

First of all, happy birthday Fave! So excited for you as your adventure begins. Keep the updates and stories coming!

Catherine said...

Aaahhh! That photo of you in the Conservatorium made me suddenly realize that God is really doing this--you're really and truly there!!! Of course I know that because I miss you...but sometimes it just hits me that this is really's not just a dream anymore...and I'm so amazed I hardly know what to say.