Thursday, August 19, 2010

A New Normal

It's hard to believe that I have been here 40 days (my camera is keeping track for me)...a month and a half down...only 16.5 more to go! Actually, it's more like, "only a month and a half?!" So much has been packed in, I feel like I've been here much longer.

40 days ago I had never been on a Brisbane bus.
I can now read a book and know that I won't miss my stop.
40 days ago I was terrified to drive on the left side of the road.
Although there is a minor panic when a car comes towards me, I find myself going into subconscious mode as I drive (as much as you can with Dave's car, of course).
40 days ago I was a stranger to Brisbane-ites.
Now I'm becoming a friend.
40 days ago Australia was a concept in my head.
Now it's becoming a home.

Yup, life has found a new normal as these weeks have passed. Here are a few notables:

I've settled into life at Daisy Hill. My housemates, Bel & Deb are great. Although Dave is now in Canada and the house isn't quite the same without him, the girls still manage to make things a bit crazy and exciting. Bel recently purchased a pink Nissan Micra (don't think I've seen a pink car other than the Mary Kay Cadillac, but it definitely suits Bel) and due to a random conversation, an outing in dressing gowns (housecoats) occurred, dragging me protesting along with it. As we've gotten more comfortable with each other, I've discovered that they don't always understand what I'm saying (which, of course, would explain why they haven't laughed at my jokes). Bel has taken it upon herself to teach me the proper pronunciation of words and has me repeat after her numerous times and then her eyes light up when I actually say it properly. I don't think it will stick....but I continue to humor her.

Uni is finding it's own rhythm as well. My Canadian-ness proves to be a source of entertainment for the students as they try and get me to say things like, "Bonza beauty mate!" and then laugh with glee as I fail miserably. I now know my way around and am getting the hang of sticking my nose in the books. I'm definitely feeling the challenge of being in an elite music school. I'm learning just how difficult it is to get into this place and how coveted each position is. I am very honored to be here. The fire has been lit. The butt is in gear.

Other life things:
  • I've been attending Springwood Church of Christ ( and really like it there. This is the church that hooked me up with a place to live. I just kept making more connections there, so I've stayed. A great group of people, $2 suppers on Sunday night, really good teaching, rooted in prayer and the Word. It's good. I'm pleasantly surprised that I don't have to hunt...but still may visit some other churches as opportunities arise.
  • I have my FIRST voice student! I start teaching him next Friday. One other potentially is lined up. It's coming together in good timing.
  • I have enjoyed seeing some great sights with some new friends. I have finally seen the ocean on an excursion to Byron Bay a few weeks ago. I'm very much looking forward to going back! And I've experienced a bit of Brisbane city life riding the CityCat on the river & hitting the weekend markets.
  • There are many things to look forward to, including a trip to Cairns (Great Barrier Reef, here we come!) and a reunion at a conference on Tambourine Mountain with a dear friend that I haven't seen since 1996. (More on those 2 events on a later blog)

I'm liking this "new normal". And although I think I may be taking it for granted that I'm living in 25 degrees winter with palm trees out my bedroom window (hahaaaaaa!), I never want to forget the many ways God is providing and working in my life. He continues to provide and lead me and teach me. It's a good season. Truly more than anything I could ever ask or imagine. Thanks for journeying with me.


Jacqui said...

Thanks for the update, Fave. It's exciting to hear about your new "normal". Bonza beauty mate! (whatever that means)

Merissa said...

Oh Julie, it makes me so happy to read these things. I miss you and want to chat soon.
Praying for you and excited to hear what else is happening in your world.