Thursday, September 9, 2010

Patriotism At Its Finest

Bel had a gig in our area where she had to sing the Australian National Anthem for National Flag Day on September 3rd. So she decided this would be a great opportunity to make me more Australian and got Deb and myself into the living room to rehearse this patriotic number.

It was such an incredibly entertaining moment for me that I just had to capture it on video and share it with you.


Meridith said...

So glad you posted this Julie! I'm so thankful you've found such a great place to slide in, and with awesome people. And by awesome, I mean the nutty farm that you will fit right in. ;) (Ok, I can say that because I'm a card-carrying member.) I'm following all your tales; thanks for writing!

Catherine said...

SO FUNNY, my friend!! I couldn't understand a word of it, but I loved hearing you laugh. Those girls are hilarious! :)