Monday, January 3, 2011

Fairdinkum & grouse, mate!

Kate tells me I'm sounding a bit Australian. She can hear it in a few words I say and I've definitely picked up some Aussie lingo. I notice it the most when I write home and have to translate back into Canadian...haha! Here are a few words I've picked up along the way:

Suss it out (assess the situation)
Get it sorted (sort it out)
I reckon (I think, I believe)
Arvo (afternoon)
Cuppa (cup a tea)
Tea (supper, dinner, evening meal)
Supper (evening snack, usually tea and biscuit)
Bench (kitchen counter)
Rubbish (Garbage)
Rubbish bin (garbage can)
Whinge, whinging, whinger (whining, complaining)
Muso (musician)
Port (suitcase)

Ones that I haven't used, but find fascinating:
Probs not aye! (Probably not going to happen)
POM, POME, POMMY (someone who is from Britain, could mean "Prisoner of Mother England")
Fairdinkum (true dat!)
Grouse (good, awesome)

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