Friday, January 14, 2011

Salvation Saturday

The city of Brisbane looks like a war zone or a third world country. This past week, the downtown area and many suburbs along the Brisbane river flooded. Entire houses were submerged and people have lost homes, businesses, and possessions. 75% of Queensland has been declared a disaster zone and there are some in Toowoomba and the Lockyer Valley have lost loved ones to flash floods.

Today has been declared "Salvation Saturday" as busloads of volunteers with brooms, shovels, and scrub brushes have come in to help clean up areas where the water has receded. It's amazing to see so many people pulling together in the midst of tragedy.

I guess I'm part of the 25% of the state not directly affected by the floods (aside from the empty fresh produce shelves in the grocery stores!). It's shocking that only 20 minutes away is total destruction and devastation. A Griffith University student posted some pictures of Southbank, the area where my campus is. From the looks of it, I'd say the first floor will have some significant damage. That would include the library (all those amazing music and resources!), numerous grand & upright pianos, and a portion of the main theater. I haven't heard anything definite, so these are just my assumptions.

Here are a few pics of Southbank & the Queensland Conservatorium taking on Wednesday, January 12th (photos by David Speicher)
(the arbor pathway where I walked to uni everyday, now its own little river)

(from across the river, you can see the ferry dock almost fully submerged)

(a street beside the Con, now under water)

Images on the news today are of smiling people working hard to put back together what was torn away. I'm sure there are many untold stories of those who are not smiling today. I pray that no one will be alone in their loss.

1 comment:

The Anne of Jules said...

"South Bank campus has come out of this disaster relatively unscathed....QCA and Film School both ok. Qld Con has taken water in the basement and orchestra pit and is being pumped out. All musical instruments had been moved to higher levels earlier. Sth Bank campus is closed until further notice. Check the website for updates and information."