Friday, July 16, 2010

Daisy Hill

Let me tell you a bit of history behind where I'm living in Brisbane. This is just one of the many ways that God has provided for me on this journey.

My mom tracked down an old friend from 30 years ago who lives in Brisbane. This wonderful lady put an ad in her church bulletin and I got an email from a girl named Bel. She told me that she lives in a share house with her cousin, Deb and her brother, Dave and that there was an extra room that I could take if I were interested. She also mentioned that she had studied the Undergrad version of my when I asked her what instrument she played, she told me she was also a voice teacher! And the house had a teaching studio that she would be willing to share with me if I needed it. How could I say no to such an offer?! I'm in a program where I will be required to teach and the opportunity is dropped right into my lap. Bel has further offered to help me find students as she has had to turn a few away already this year.

So Daisy Hill (a suburb of Brisbane) is a gift from God. I felt welcomed into the house immediately. They had a welcome sign up on my bedroom door and some Tim Tams (Australian cookie) on my bed. Dave lent me a bed and dresser and Bel lent me this hilarious mirror that Deb thinks is the most insulting thing ever! I have left it up because it's just too funny.

(It reads "Time Marches On")

The house is probably the oldest I have ever lived in and already I've had encounters with a couple cockroaches (I hear that's the least of my problems). But the people make the place, right?! I'm enjoying getting to know my housemates and am so glad to live with local people.

Here's a photo of my birthday...they initiated me into the house with these lovely glasses and then made me wear them all night as we went out for dinner. I have a feeling there will never be a dull moment here.

(Me, Deb, Bel, Dave)


jmartin said...

Sounds like soooo much FUN, Julie! Isn't our God amazing??? Enjoy every moment......thinking of you lots!

Kathy said...

From the sounds of things you should fit right in in Daisy Hill : ) Looks like you've been directed to some great roomies!!

Stones in Washington said...

I can't believe you left out the bit about the snake. The place looks like it will do just fine, stomp on the cockroaches for me.