Friday, July 16, 2010

Let me tell you a little story....

Let me introduce you to my housemate, Dave. He's a little nuts...I think he would get along great with my brother...and pretty much every other crazy guy @ Living Springs. He's actually leaving for Canada in a couple weeks on a work visa, connecting with some Capernwray friends.

The reason why I'm bringing him up is for his impeccable timing and sensitivity for this Canadian girl in telling me a little story.

He had just moved into the house a few months ago and woke up to find a SNAKE curled up on his feet!!! In his BEDROOM. Which is right beside MINE. He figures the snake is cold blooded and was looking for a warm place. He told me he had tried to pick it up, but it started hissing at him. He must have called out to Bel (his sister) because she called the neighbors and they were on their way over with a shovel to kill the snake. But Dave was able to shoo it out of the house and the snake went into the garden.

If you can imagine what I'm going through at this point as we are all sitting around the table. Also imagine Bel & Deb madly trying to stop Dave from telling the story! When they realized he wasn't stopping, they tried to downplay it. "This is just a freak thing. It NEVER happens." "It wasn't a poisonous was harmless" And then Deb's fiance, Neil, pipes up, "You know it's illegal to kill snakes. Unless they are attacking you." Good to know....but really, who would know if I happened to murder a snake?!

So as the days have passed on, the snake story has come up a couple of times. Dave is quite proud to say that he sleeps with snakes (a REAL man). In fact, here is his theory: He claims to have an agreement with SPIDERS. Bel has confirmed that growing up, there were spider webs in Dave's room because he refused to kill them. He said his agreement is that he won't harm them and they won't harm him. A few days before the SNAKE incident, Dave was cleaning out his parents' garden and was bit by a different snake. He says that he realized then that he didn't have an agreement with snakes. So as the biter slithered away, he made an agreement with it. He figures that waking up to a snake curled up on his feet was the species way of telling him they were in agreement with him.

The girls figure they are under Dave's protection with this little agreement...

Nevertheless, I check my room thoroughly each night before I go to bed.

If you would like more details, I have taken it upon myself to be educated on the type of snake that invaded our humble abode. It's called the Brown Tree Snake. May I point out "weakly venomous". The Green Tree Snake is more common and not venomous at all....but that's not the one that was curled up on Dave's feet.

Warning: Do not browse this website before going to sleep (just from experience)

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Julie, you should tell him about the time that Garter Snake came into the sanctuary at the end of the service, during the last song... as Calvin and Jason would say "it was epic" : ) I'm off to check out the link you posted